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Hello and welcome to workr…a community of, and for, workers aged around fifty and over.​ There are many voices talking about older workers and the benefits we offer, but very few are talking with us. We’re here to change that. We're here to challenge ageism in the workplace.​

We're here

Because a lot of employers and recruiters seem to struggle with the idea and the reality of including older workers when they’re hiring*.

Because it’s through community that we're able to support those who are looking for work in order to help deal with isolation and loneliness.

Because instead of waiting and hoping for things to change, it’s time to take matters into our own hands and be the change makers​.

* The Australian HR Institute in partnership with the Australian Human Rights Commission published a report in 2024 which found only 25% of HR professionals are open to hiring people aged 65 and above “to a large extent” while around one in six organisations say they actively exclude older workers from the recruitment process.

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